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導(dǎo)讀:云南的英語介紹 一、云南的英語介紹 二、中國景點的英語名稱!急急急! 三、請幫我找找介紹云南石林的英文資料,謝謝


18 Oddities to Savor My homeland ---- Yunnan(云南十八怪英文版)

18 Oddities to Savor My homeland ---- Yunnan

First: Eggs sold in bundles

People in the Longling County of baoshan area are used to tying up eggs, and into a bar with rice straw and selling them in bars in the market.

Second: Young Girls Called “Old Lady”

A custom that has developed over the recent year with Xiaguan and Chuxiong people is the “Old Lady” custom. Unmarried girls, aged between fourteen and eighteen years, are called “Old Lady”. This is said to wish her good health by promoting intimacy and goodwill.

Third: Pies Called “Ear Piece”

Ear piece is one of Yunnan’s special-flavor foods. It is made of rice in the shape of thin pies. Apart from ear piece, rice noodle and flat rice noodle are the local favorite non-staple food. It can be boiled or fried. The famous speciality “Teng Chong Dajiu Jia” is actually the stir-fried thick rice noodle.

Fourth: Automobiles Move in Clouds

Roads wind up along colossal and precipitous mountains. Fog spreads all over the top of mountains, making one feel like they are placed upon clouds in fairyland.

Fifth: Key Hung on Waist-belts

The Dai women in southern Yunnan like wearing long skirts with silver belts on which keys are hung. It is a rule that only married women are allowed to hang keys. Wearing a belt with keys shows one is capable of running the household.

Sixth: Trains Go Abroad not Inland

At the end of Qing Dynasty, there was a narrow railway about 464.2 km. long from Kunming to Hanoi in Vietnam. This was the first international railway in the province. It was constructed by the French during 1903 and 1910 and it cost more than 50000 valuable lives. However, Yunnan didn’t even have a domestic railway at that time.

Seventh: Straw Hats Used as Cooker Covers

Hardworking and honest countrymen weave everyday necessities, such as shoes, fans, hats, baskets and cooker covers with bamboo and paddy stems.

Eighth: Rainy Here but Sunny There

Yunnan possesses a plateau climate as changeable as a kid’s face, since rain and wind come and go without one knowing. A popular saying goes like this, “Weather varies within a circumference of ten lis (Li is a Chinese unit of half a kilometer) and winter comes once it rains.” Even in the same area, one often sees rain here and sees sunshine in another place.

Ninth: Girls Wear Flowers in all Seasons

The weather is like that of eternal spring in most regions of Yunnan. Kunming, as the capital of the province, has a state of ecstasy as “climate remains like that of February and March, and flowers blossom throughout the year”. There fore, Kunming is named as “Spring City” in China. Fresh flowers can be seen in any season. The floral industry has become the main economic industry in Kunming.

Tenth: Non-slanting Walls Built with Cobbles

People draw on local resources to build houses along river banks in the countryside. Cobbles as a building material make walls neat and they create a unique local architecture.

Eleventh:Green Vegetables Called Bitter Vegetables

Thin green featherlike overlapping vegetables, like vanilla, are grown in the southern part of the province. Its name comes form old old customs but not from its taste.

Twelfth: Bamboo Used as Smoking Pipe

A smoking bag is also called “tobacco Tube” which is a typical local smoking utensil used mostly in Yunnan, Guizhou and Sichuan provinces It is half to one meter long while its diameter varies from five to ten centimeters. People put cut tobacco on the bamboo tube, the lower part of which is filled with water, and smoked. A gurgling sound is heard when one smokes from the mouth of the bamboo tube. People said brave and struggling “Dian Army” of the past days carried tobacco tubes on their backs to the frontline in the anti-Japanese war. The en emies mistook such smoking tool for a new type of weapon and were horrified. Therefore, “Dian Army” won the name of “Army with Double Guns”.

Thirteenth: Tea leaves Sold in Piles

The Jinpo minority group in Luxi county of Dehong prefecture, sells tealeaves by piles instead of using scales.

Fourteenth: The Same Dress for Four Seasons

The weather in most parts of Yunnan is always like that of spring, so the alternation of seasons is not obvious. This means people dress themselves without distinct seasonal characteristics.

Fifteenth: Girls Hang Tobacco Bags

The Lisu minority girls have a habit of smoking and chewing tobacco, so most married or unmarried females hang tobacco hags on their waist belts. They present bags to one another, with respect on the occasion of union, in order to show kindness and intimacy and it gradually becomes necessary entertainment to their guests.

Sixteenth: Automobiles Move Faster than Trains

The speed of a train is much slower than that of an automobile on the narrow railways across certain precipitous relieves in Yunnan.

Seventeenth: Toes Show Outsides

Some people from the mountainous areas wear straw shoes with holes all year round since the four seasons are mild.

Eighteenth: Three mosquitoes make up a Dish

There are non-poisonous mosquitoes with long legs in Yunnan. They look so big at the first glance that outsiders say, “three mosquitoes make up a dish” for fun.


北京景點介紹:The Palace Museum

北京景點介紹:The Great Wall

北京景點介紹:Dingling Mausoleum


西藏景點介紹:Jokhang Temple

西藏景點介紹:Potala Palace




山東景點介紹:Taishan Mountain

陜西景點介紹:Museum of Terra Cotta Warriors

四川景點介紹:Emei Mountain and Leshan Buddha

四川景點介紹: Jiuzhaigou Ravine Scenic Area


江蘇景點介紹: Suzhou

江蘇景點介紹: Nanjing

江西景點介紹: Lushan Mountain Scenic Area

遼寧景點介紹: Dalian

內(nèi)蒙古景點介紹:Genghis Khan's Mausoleum

寧夏景點介紹:Imperial Tombs of Western Xia

湖南景點介紹:Yuelu Mountain


湖北景點介紹:Yellow Crane Tower

故宮:The Palace Museum

長城:The Great Wall

北京景點介紹:Dingling Mausoleum


西藏景點介紹:Jokhang Temple

西藏景點介紹:Potala Palace




山東景點介紹:Taishan Mountain

陜西景點介紹:Museum of Terra Cotta Warriors

四川景點介紹:Emei Mountain and Leshan Buddha

九寨溝: Jiuzhaigou Ravine Scenic Area


蘇州: Suzhou

南京: Nanjing

江西景點介紹: Lushan Mountain Scenic Area

遼寧景點介紹: Dalian

內(nèi)蒙古景點介紹:Genghis Khan's Mausoleum

寧夏景點介紹:Imperial Tombs of Western Xia

湖南景點介紹:Yuelu Mountain


湖北景點介紹:Yellow Crane Tower



石林,地處滇中高原腹地,東經(jīng)103°11〃―103°29〃、北緯24°40〃―24°56〃,位于石林彝族自治縣境內(nèi),距省會昆明市70余公里 , “冬無嚴(yán)寒,夏無酷暑,四季如春”氣候?qū)賮啛釒У途暥雀咴降丶撅L(fēng)氣候,年平均溫度約16℃,是一個集自然風(fēng)光、民族風(fēng)情、休閑度假、科學(xué)考察為一體的著名大型綜合旅游區(qū)。





Yunnan hoodoo The hoodoo, is situated at in Yunnan the plateau center, theeast longitude 103°11 - 103°29, the north latitude 24°40 -24°56, is located within the boundaries of the hoodoo Yi NationalityAutonomous County, is apart from the provincial capital Kunming 70kilometers, the winter is not severely cold, the summer does not havethe intense summer heat, the four seasons like spring the climate isthe subtropics low latitude plateau mountainous region monsoonclimate, the yearly average temperature approximately 16 ℃, is acollection natural scenery, the national character and style, theleisure vacation, the science inspection is a body famous large-scalesynthesis traveling area. World karst essence. The hoodoo by the karst landscape primarily, bymale, wonderful, the danger, Xiu, Austria, spacious is famous,has in the world the most unusual karst landform (karst landform) thelandscape, forms the history remote, the type complete, broad inscale, the growth integri ty, by the reputation is the world firstmarvelous sight, the modelling landform natural museum, enjoys thehigh reputation in the world educational world. The hoodoo forms in270 million years ago, grows has only then formed the nowadaysextremely precious geology vestige after the long geological evolutionand complex ancient geographical environment vicissitude; It hascovered on the Earth the multitudinous karst landform type, thedistributed world each place hoodoo collects as if to this, hasMalaysian the hoodoo, Americas' hoodoo, Africa's hoodoo; Does not havethe richest type in the difference to 500 meters elevation differencesin: Shi Ya, the peak clump, dissolves the earthen mound, the limestonecave, the lake, the waterfall, the buried river, scattered andorganized, voluminous, is the typical plateau karst ecosystem and therichest three-dimensional panorama drawing.

The scenic area scope length and breadth, the imposing mannermagnanimous is broad, the area amounts to 1,100 square kilometers, theprotectorate is 350 square kilometers, the mountain scenery watercolor has everything expected to find, each characteristic. Accordingto the landscape spatial distribution and the landscapecharacteristic, the entire area may divide into eight traveling piecesarea: The hoodoo scenic spot, the black loose crag (is ancient) thehoodoo, the iris cloud hole, Chang Lake, flies the dragon waterfall(greatly to fold water) the scenic area, the Guishan country forestpark, the month lake, the wonderful wind tunnel, development for thetour area is: The hoodoo scenic spot (central scenic area), the blackloose crag scenery, flies the dragon waterfall scenic spot, the ChangLake scenic spot. Most has the representation by the hoodoo scenicarea, is the core area, the scenic spot hundred, the hoodoo beautifulscenery, at a crucial moment, the phoenix combs the scenic spotwhich the wing, Ashima and so on the tourist knew very well toconcentrate to this. Enters the scenic area, marches into as if thetime tunnel, fully feels the nature , unable to restrainto make one praise to the heavens. The long travel seabed labyrinth,cliff Wan Ren, the pinnacle are rugged, likes the mighty force, alsoresembles the old castle city, like birds and beasts, also likesthe world myriad things, true to life, lifelike, constitutes a charmto flow, the splendid sight natural picture scroll. In addition, in the scenic area still had the multitudinous mysteriousperiphery landscape and stockpiles the scenic area to wait forgradually develops, unfolds to the common people. Chinese Ashima's hometown. Hoodoo charm not merely in naturallandscape, but also lies in the hoodoo Sani indigenous character andstyle which. In a clump of pinnacle and the limitless redsoil on, the hoodoo has extremely rich precious national, thehistorical culture resources and the humanities radiant ray. Thehoodoo Sani people, are Yi nationality's collateral series, byindustrious, brave, warmly is famous, 2,000 for many years, thegeneration life in here with the hoodoo paragenesis altogether rest,have created take Ashima as representative's Yi nationality culture,the connotation richly, the influence is profound. Ashima not onlyrepresents the hoodoo the image, also has represented the image whichYunnan Province travels. Most influential is a poem, a shade, asong, . Yi language records ancient Sani narrates the long poemAshima to translate into 20 many kinds of writing in domestic andforeign to distribute, changes forms the Chinese first colored stereosound movie Ashima, enjoys a good reputation the overseas; The Sanisong Distant place Visitor Asks You To leave behind to raise theworld; Every year lunar calendar in June 24 Yi nationality flaresfestival is the Sani person tradition holiday, trips and falls, fightsthe cow, the flare carnival is splendid sight, by the reputation isthe Eastern carnival.


天造奇觀的云南石林,位于云南省昆明市石林彝族自治縣境內(nèi),海拔1500m―1900m之間,屬亞熱帶低緯度高原山地季風(fēng)氣候,年平均溫度? ??16度,距省會昆明78公里,“冬無嚴(yán)寒、夏無酷暑、四季如春”,是世界唯一位于亞熱帶高原地區(qū)的喀斯特地貌風(fēng)景區(qū),素有“天下第一奇觀”“石林博物館”的美譽(yù),是首批中國國家重點風(fēng)景名勝區(qū)、中國國家地質(zhì)公園、世界地質(zhì)公園,與北京故宮、西安兵馬俑、桂林山水齊名,成為中國四大旅游勝地之一。











石林地區(qū)不? ?有大量的古脊椎動物化石,被列為中國古脊椎動物化石保護(hù)區(qū),還是云南距今80萬年前舊石器和新石器遺跡遺址最豐富的地點之一。景區(qū)內(nèi)李子園箐的石林崖畫、石刻反映著彝族撒尼人古老的祭祀煙火及舞蹈、狩獵、戰(zhàn)斗等場面;長湖獨石山、大小石林內(nèi)的趙倌扎營、步哨山等留存著清代咸豐年間趙發(fā)義軍的歷史痕跡。





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