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導(dǎo)讀:紹興旅游景點(diǎn)介紹房間英語(yǔ)(簡(jiǎn)單英語(yǔ)介紹一家酒店) 英文紹興景點(diǎn)介紹 介紹紹興的英語(yǔ)作文 描寫(xiě)紹興旅游景點(diǎn)的英文作文可以是什么樣的呢??? 用英語(yǔ)介紹3—5個(gè)紹興風(fēng)景名勝地,每篇介紹文不少于60字 求一篇用英語(yǔ)介紹紹興的演講稿……包括紹興的歷史,景點(diǎn),名人等……越具體越好……謝謝



人們說(shuō),如果世界上真有仙境,那肯定就是九寨溝。這是一個(gè)佳景薈萃、神奇莫測(cè)的曠世勝地;是一個(gè)不見(jiàn)纖塵、自然純凈的“童話世界”。 九寨溝位于四川阿壩藏族羌族自治州境內(nèi),巍峨的岷山山脈深處,距成都400多公里,總面積6萬(wàn)多公頃,三條主溝形成“Y”形分布,總長(zhǎng)度達(dá)60余公里。原來(lái)這里僅有九個(gè)藏族村寨座落在叢山峻嶺之中,九寨溝因此得名?!?a href='/huangshan/' target=_blank>黃山歸來(lái)不看山,九寨溝歸來(lái)不看水”,水是九寨溝的精靈,湖、泉、瀑、灘連綴一體,飛動(dòng)與靜謐結(jié)合,剛烈與溫柔相濟(jì),不愧為“中華水景之王”。

黃龍溝位于松潘縣東約35公里處,是玉翠山中一條南北向的溝谷,長(zhǎng)約7、8公里。與九寨溝一山之隔,但因雪山阻隔,需經(jīng)公路繞行100公里方可到達(dá)。這條溝的奇妙之處是溝底的巖石,晶瑩光滑,類(lèi)似石灰?guī)r溶洞中的鐘乳石,巖石跌宕起伏,順著山溝,曲折蜿蜒,猶如一條黃龍盤(pán)旋而上。黃龍奇異的景色,使它擁有“黃龍?zhí)煜陆^”的美稱(chēng)。 在九寨溝—黃龍附近,還分布著風(fēng)韻古樸的神仙池和甘海子等等,真正是移步換景,美不勝收!勤勞的藏族人民在這里辛勤勞作、創(chuàng)造。飄動(dòng)的經(jīng)幡,古老的水磨房,遲緩的牦?!诨?a href='/qishan33/' target=_blank>奇山異水、藍(lán)天白云之間,使人羽化登仙。



Shaoxing lies in northern Zhejiang Province on the southern shore of the Hangzhou Bay. A famous ancient city south of the Yangtze River and the hometown of Lu Xun (1881-1936), China's great twentieth century writer, it was the capital of the State of Yue of the Spring and Autumn Period some two thousand years ago. Shaoxing is a town of rivers and canals, arch bridges and boats. Tourists will find a number of interesting places to visit in the city and its vicinity.







1st, Lu rapid native place : The Lu rapid native place already became an alone south of Yangzi River character and style the historical block, becomes original taste and flavor to explain the Lu rapid work, savors the Lu rapid writing local scenery, felt Lu Xun to live in the past the situation real place. A narrow qingshiban road nearby two, as soon as slides the whitewashed wall black eyebrow coloring tile, the bamboo filament Taiwan gate, the Lu rapid ancestral place, the Lu rapid former dwelling, all the various grassy plants garden, three taste reading rooms, during the Xianheng hotel alternation, a creek winds through before the Lu rapid former dwelling gate, the boat covered with black matting in the river bank swayingly, those images and scenes has no alternative but to let the human remember in the Lu rapid work some scenes. Protects and restores Lu Xun the native place to become after carefully three-dimensional explains the Chinese modern times big literary giant Lu Xun place, becomes the Zhejiang Shaoxing “treasure of the town city”.


2nd, Jianhu : Located at Shaoxing west end 1.5 kilometers place. The Eastern Han Dynasty Yonghe year, Guiji grand minister superintendent Ma Zhenzong accepts the north slope, Shui of Weihu Guiji two county 36 source, east to Cao'e Jiang, west to Puyang Jiang, long 127 miles, area approximately 206 square kilometers, but the irrigated farmland 9000 area units, two county common people are big its advantage. After Tang middle period, the level of the lake silts up gradually. In the lake the dike bridge along with supposes, when fishing boat sees, far mountain all around, Shui Qingru the mirror, may be called the south of the lower reaches of the Yangze River the model.


3rd, Orchid Pavilion country forest park: honors the mountain ridge range, the luxuriantly growing forest tall bamboo (in park high mountain ridge, peaks and ridges folds green jade). The calligraphy Holy Land, the Chinese and foreign famous (becomes a favorite story Jin Dynasty calligrapher Wang Xizhi who write "Orchid Pavilion Collection Foreword" story in the Chinese art history, occurs in Orchid Pavilion). The celebrity ancient grave, left a good name for hundreds of generations (in the scenic area to excavate is more than the 2500 year south of Yangzi River first big grave--Prints the mountain to jump over king the mausoleum, is the Zhejiang Yuyao after Kaboto, the Liangzhu Culture ruins another significant archaeological discovery, in 1998 is listed as " the national ten big archaeology recent discoveries ").




a museum without walls


Shaoxing has a rich and famed history of about 2,500 years. Numerous historical sites, a beautiful landscape and an exceptional lifestyle offer 200 attractions citywide, including nine 4A scenic spots, four 3A spots, one state-level attraction and seven provincial-level ones, two state-level water conservancy scenic spots and one national geographic park. In 1998, it was appraised as one of China's first wonderful tourism cities.

Most of the spots in Shaoxing provide a background to the literature or literary figures like Lu Xun Former Residence, the Shen Garden and the Orchid Pavilion. The well-preserved Former Residence of Lu Xun presents a full version of this Chinese literary giant's daily life and the place where he worked on his literature. The 800 years old Shen Garden, originally a private garden, is well-known for its setting for the moving love story of Lu You while the Orchid Pavilion, an integration of mountain landscape and water town scenery, has been regarded as the mecca for calligraphers. Besides, the relics from ancient years are also well worth a visit such as the Fu Mountain in the city center and the Kuaiji Mountain Scenic Area in which the Yu the Great Mausoleum is located.

Shaoxing is regarded as “a museum without walls”.

Bridges in Shaoxing


Shaoxing, thanks to its numerous rivers and lakes, has been widely known as a “l(fā)and of waters”.

There are more than 10,000 bridges in Shaoxing,among which, many are ancient ones. All kinds of ancient bridges can be seen. Here and there, the river is spanned by stone bridges under which boats come and go. They not only make life convenient, but also make the environment beautiful.

Bazi Bridge is the most famous one. It is called “Bazi” because it shapes like a Chinese character “八”. Located in the Bazi Bridge Historic Community, it was built around 1256 in the Southern Song Dynasty and boasts a history of 800 years. Along the bridge, you can experience the lifestyle of the local people. For example, you'll see women washing clothes beside the river near their houses, vendors selling vegetables and fruits on the street, and the elderly fanning coal stoves to cook.

The columns of many ancient bridges are usually decorated with stone lions. It is an ancient Chinese custom to frighten away water monsters that cause floods. On New Year's Day, some old women would bring candles and paper money to pray to the God of bridges. These old customs have all disappeared now. On festivals, however, the bridges are still decorated with colorful flags and lanterns.

Shaoxing: Venice in the east


It has been 2,500 years since the city of Shaoxing was first built. The embryo of the water city came into being when Gou Jian of Yue Kingdom established the capital here. The river network was further improved in the following dynasties such as the Western Jin Dynasty, the Sui Dynasty, the Tang Dynasty, the Northern Song Dynasty and the Southern Song Dynasty. In the Song dynasties, the rivers and lakes in the area had already been closely connected with one another and the structure of the river network had been largely formed, the inner part of which was pane-shaped and the outer part circled the city walls. Up to the Qing Dynasty, there were altogether 33 watercourses in the city, the total length of which reached approximately 60 kilometers.

The stone bridges over the watercourses, with different sizes and shapes, are all ingeniously designed. Many streets and roads stretch along the rivers, and therefore are called “heyan” by the locals.

The unevenly laid-out houses along the banks, the boats sailing in file on the rivers, together with the stone bridges on the way constitute the typical scenery of a water city, which is frequently depicted in classic Chinese poems.

People often regard Shaoxing as“Venice in the east”.

Water taxi in Shaoxing: the black-awning boat


When people think of Shaoxing, water is always the first thing that comes to their minds.

One of the best ways to appreciate this famous water city is to take a trip on a black-awning boat, or Wupeng Boat, which is well-known throughout China. The boat, boasting a history of over 1,000 years, is made of wood and covered by black awnings. It has brought to Shaoxing a great number of tourists who long to enjoy the beautiful sceneries of the water city.

The boat is a small black wooden one with bamboo awnings. About 4 meters long and 1 meter wide, each boat can hold 3 to 6 persons. The boatman, wearing a unique black felt hat, sits on the bow and paddles with his feet and hands. The boat looks a bit timeworn because of the black awnings, yet it is able to move quickly, even at a turning. The awnings can be opened on a fine day for visitors to enjoy the terrific landscape along the banks of the river.


unique architecturein Shaoxing


Taimen is a traditional local residence, large and impressive, usually separated from other dwelling houses. After entering the residence through the magnificent gate, you can find in succession a dooryard, a central room with several wing-rooms, a back room and a garden. It is a longitudinally-laid-out compound dwelling house, whose width and length are decided by the dwellers' social status. The higher status the dwellers possess, the larger width and length the residence has.

In the past dynasties, in order to honor their ancestors or display their lordliness, people in Shaoxing who had succeeded in business or gained high official ranks used to build large houses in their hometown, that's why there are lots of taimen preserved in the city.

Some were named after the academic or official titles of the owners, such as Zhuangyuan(Number One Scholar) Taimen, Hanlin(Member of the Imperial Academy) Taimen, Shangshu(Minister) Taimen, etc.; some after the construction features, such as Chaobei(Facing North) Taimen, Shiku (Stone Warehouse) Taimen; but most were named after the owners' surnames, such as Dujia(Du Household) Taimen, Shoujia(Shou Household) Taimen, Zhoujia(Zhou Household) Taimen and so on.


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