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導(dǎo)讀:昆明旅游景點(diǎn)的英文介紹(昆明旅游景點(diǎn)的英文介紹怎么寫) 昆明世博園的英文介紹加翻譯 用英語介紹昆明 誰能幫忙寫一下關(guān)于昆明的英文介紹 跟外國(guó)人介紹昆明用英語四句話 求一篇介紹昆明景點(diǎn)的英語作文 介紹昆明的英語文章?。。。。。。。。?!



Kunming World Horticulture Exposition (Expo) is a 1999 Kunming World Horticulture Expo site, located in suburbs of Kunming East Palace scenic area, approximately 4 kilometers away from the downtown area of Kunming. Expo Park covers an area of about 218 hectares, vegetation coverage rate reached 76.7%, of which there are 120 hectares thick undergrowth of gentle slope, water accounted for 10% ~ 15%. Park on the overall planning of the mountain is set, the provinces, District, city, the local characteristics and 95 country style garden garden crafts, garden and building a scientific and technological achievements in a park, reflecting the "man and nature, harmonious development" theme of the times, is a "feature of Yunnan, China, a world-class" Grand View Garden Garden horticultural products.


Kunming Introduction

As one of China’s most diversified provinces, Yunnan is certainly one of China’s most alluring destinations. Yunnan is home to more than one third of China’s ethnic minorities and over half of the country’s plant and animal species. The province is blessed by its mixture of traditional folk cultures as well as breath-taking scenery. Kunming, Yunnan’s capital, resides at an elevation of 1890m and boasts a milder climate than most other Chinese cities. Celebrated as the "Spring City," Kunming has neither severe winters nor extremely hot summers and can be visited at any time of the year.

Numerous areas of Yunnan exhibit strong local identities and have successfuly resisted Chinese influence. Ethnic minority culture has survived and thrived despite the government’s best efforts to encourage the relocation of Han Chinese into predominately ethnic regions. Thus, Kunming has developed a distinctive multi-cultural feeling that seems a world apart from other major Chinese cities. The city retains an individuality that has earned it a reputation as a laid-back, yet cosmopolitan provincial capital in southwest China. However, this is in light of the fact that rapid economic growth currently transforms Kunming into a modern Chinese city with wide roads, massive shopping malls, and skyscrapers.

Kunming has been inhabited for 2000 years. The town was a remote Chinese outpost until the 8th century when the kingdom of Nanzhao captured it and made it a secondary capital. In the 14th century, the Ming Dynasty set up shop, building a walled town in Yunnanfu, as Kunming was then known. The middle of the 19th century saw the intrusion of the West into Kunming from British Burma and French Indochina. In 1910 the French Indochina railway was completed, linking the city with Hanoi. The new train line allowed the French to exploit the region’s copper, tin, and timber resources. Kunming’s true modern expansion began during World War II when factories were established and refugees fleeing the Japanese poured in from eastern China. The face of Kunming has since radically changed, with streets widened and office buildings and housing projects erected.

Major tourist sites in Kunming include two Tang Dynasty Pagodas, Yuantong Temple, Yunnan Provincial Museum, Kunming City Museum, and Green Lake Park. Aside from Kunming’s array of tourist attractions, the city serves as a great jumping-off point for Dali, Lijiang, and Tiger Leaping Gorge to the north as well as Jinghong, Xishuangbanna, Pu’er and Yuanyang to the south.

Synotrip welcomes travelers, students, teachers, and explorers to Kunming and encourages visitors to our site to contact the Kunming manager with any questions, comments, or concerns.



Kunming, a slow-paced city, like spring, you see, where the sun is warm.In the winter, you can green people tryin Green Lake, watching white black-headed gulls to the city's vitality.You can climb the Western Hills to see Babaili Dianchi Lake, swiftly the fundus, Bibo vast.You can calm down, Yuantong Hill in March to the zoo to see the cherry blossoms.Of course, you can also go to the Nanping Pedestrian Street, feel busy, people coming and going.Here is Kunming.



Kun Ming is in southwest China. 昆明位于中國(guó)西南部。

It is called " The city of spring". 被稱作春城。

It is one of the most famous places for travel in China. 是中國(guó)最受歡迎的旅游地之一。

It has many famous universities, such as Yun Nan University. 有很多著名的大學(xué),例如云南大學(xué)。


My Hometown__by Zogcee(絕對(duì)自己寫的,原創(chuàng))I live in Kunming which is a part of Yunnan.I am proud of my hometown,because of the food,the special local product,the sight and the people.As for the food,there are many special things,such as crossing-over bridge rice noodles(過橋米線).It's really delicious,and I think you will remember it forever after you once taste it!And what about the special local product?You may know drug ingredients which is very famous,the triratna(三寶) of Yunnan is Panax pseudo-ginseng var. notoginseng(三七) ,rhizoma gastrodiae(天麻) and worm grass(蟲草) .The sights are also pretty good!Dianchi Lake(滇池) is a good place for you to visit.While you are there,you will enjoy the fresh air and the beauty of the lake.At last ,I would like to talk about the people there.They are really friendly.And whenever you have troble with you,they will help you at once.You can play with them,enjoy the beauty of the heart of human......This is my hometown,what a good place!


用英文介紹昆明2008-04-15 15:24云南中部,有一片波光浩渺的湖水,儼如高原上鑲嵌的一顆璀璨晶瑩的明珠,這就是古老的“滇南澤”,因距昆陽城最近,故又名“昆陽湖”,即人們熟悉的“五百里滇池”。以往詩(shī)人對(duì)她描寫是:昆池千頃浩溟漾,浴日滔天氣量洪,倒映群峰來鏡里,雄吞六河入胸中。坐落在這美麗高原湖畔的城市,就是春城昆明。昆明是云南省的省會(huì),位于云貴高原中部,四面環(huán)山,南臨滇池,六河縱橫,中間一馬平川,形成了膏腴沃壤的昆明壩子。

昆明地處云貴高原中部,市中心海拔 1,891米。南瀕滇池,三面環(huán)山。屬于低緯度高原山地季風(fēng)氣候,由于受印度西南暖濕氣流的影響,日照長(zhǎng)、霜期短、年平均氣溫15攝氏度。氣候溫和,夏無酷暑,冬不嚴(yán)寒,四季如春,氣侯宜人,是極負(fù)盛名的“春城”。為此前人有詩(shī)描寫它的特點(diǎn)是:昆明臘月可無裘,三伏輕棉汗不流,梅綻隆冬香放滿,柳舒新歲葉將稠。每年的12月到來年的3月,一群群躲避北方海域寒風(fēng)的紅嘴鷗,萬里迢迢地從遠(yuǎn)方飛來,落棲在昆明城中。

昆明還是自然景觀和人文景觀的薈萃之地。悠久的 歷史、獨(dú)特的地質(zhì)結(jié)構(gòu),為昆明留下了眾多的文物古跡和風(fēng)景名勝。昆明市是一個(gè)發(fā)展中的國(guó)際旅游城市,目前,已形成了以世博會(huì)為中心的集自然風(fēng)光和民族風(fēng)情為一體的多功能的四季皆宜的旅游勝地。



In central Yunnan, the Gaomiao a shimmering lake, akin plateau dazzling mosaic of a glistening pearl, which is the ancient "Dian Naze," because from Kunyang City recently, it was also known as "Kunyang Lake" that is, people familiar with the "500 in Dianchi Lake." She describes the poet of the past: 1000 ares Queensland Chi Hao Yang Ming, the towering gas Bath Hung, Daoying Qunfeng to mirror, six-swallowing River into chest. Plateau is located in the beautiful lakeside city of Kunming is Chuncheng. Kunming is the capital of Yunnan Province in central Yunnan-Guizhou Plateau, surrounded by mountains, south of Dianchi Lake, 6 River horizon, the middle Yimabengchuan formed Gaoyuworang Kunming Bazi.

Kunming, Yunnan-Guizhou Plateau is located in the central part of town elevation 1,891 meters. South Dying Dianchi Lake, surrounded on three sides by mountains. A low-latitude mountain plateau monsoon climate, due to the Indian Ocean southwest of the impact of warm air, sunshine long Shuangqi short, the average temperature of 15 degrees Celsius. A mild climate, without the sweltering heat of summer, not winter cold, spring-like Four Seasons, a pleasant climate is extremely prestigious "Spring City." There is a poem describing their predecessors for it is characterized by: Kunming臘月can be no Qiu, light cotton Sanfu Khan not flow, plum flowers midwinter full-Fang, Liu Shu-year-old new leaf will be crowded. December annual March of the next year, a group escape the North Sea wind Gongzuiou, Molitiaotiao from afar, and with Habitat in Kunming city.

Kunming is the natural landscape and cultural landscape and vibrant place. A long history, unique geological structure, Kunming left a large number of cultural relics and scenic spots. Kunming is a development of the international tourist city, at present, has become a center for the World Expo to collect the natural scenery and ethnic customs as one of the four seniors-tourist destination.

Kunming altitude from 746 to 4247 m, covering 15,942 square kilometers, and built-up areas of 98 square kilometres, Panlong Territory, five Chinese, Western Hills, Guandu District, and four Chenggong, Jinning, tranquillity, the people, Songming, Yiliang, South Road , Luquan eight counties. Population 3635212 people, Han, Yi, Hui and white, Miao, Mongolia, 25 national and ethnic minorities, accounting for 12.6 percent of the population, urban population of 1611969 people.


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