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導(dǎo)讀:吉林旅游景點介紹英語的簡單介紹 旅游英語:長白山英文介紹 急求英文導(dǎo)游詞 吉林著名景點 幫忙寫個介紹吉林白城自然風(fēng)景的英語小短文,不用太長! 英語作文介紹吉林的 mike向你來信說要來吉林旅游,希望你把吉林的景點介紹英語作文 霧凇的英語介紹


導(dǎo)語:長白山(滿語:Golmin anggiyan Alin),中華名山,是中國滿族的發(fā)祥地和圣山。

Located in the counties of Antu, Wusong and Changbai in southern Jilin Province, Changbaishan is one of China's nature preservation zones, covering an area of over 200,000 hectares, extending 78.5 kilometers north to south, and 53.3 kilometers west to east. It has a wholesome natural environment and ecosystem with world famous precious animals like Northeast Tigers, sikas, sables etc. It's China's typical comprehensive nature existence of world importance.

旅游英語 :長白山英文介紹

The Crater Lake:- It nestles on Baitoushan (The White-Head Mountain), the main peak of the Changbaishan and is also a border lake between China and Korea. Surrounded by 16 exotic peaks, the lake is the crater of a volcano, filled with blue waters, known as "The Heavenly Lake". The basin-shaped lake, 2155 meters above sea level, and 313 meters deep at maximum, encompasses an area of 9.2 square kilometers. It's a typical high mountain lake. The lake waters keep flowing out, without causing apparent change in its water level. The two white rivers of the upper reaches of the second Songhua River originate here. The inner side of the lake bank is craggy cliffs formed by rough-surface rocks and white pumice stones, which make the Lake resemble a marble bowl carved with uncanny workmanship. The surface of the Lake is smooth as a mirror, with the reflections of grotesque cliffs upon it in numerous exotic shapes.

The Waterfall of Changbaishan:- The water of the Heavenly Lake finds its way out through an opening in the northern bank and at a vertical cliff, 1250 meters away, drops 68 meters down with loud rumbles. The Changbai Waterfall hangs in the air like a white ribbon.

The Hot Springs of Changbaishan:- At the north side of the White-Head Mountain, there is a group of hot springs coverings an area of over one thousand square meters. Two white rivers wind their ways among the hot springs. The right banks where the mouths of springs concentrate are shrouded in hot misty air all the year round. The springs vary in temperature, with the highest reaching 82 degree Celsius. The hot waters contain hydrogen sulphide and have high medical value.

The Primeval Forests: The vast sea of forests appears mysterious and bizarre. No old sky-piercing trees have ever been felled. Natural-grown upside down trees are covered with moth, and young trees shoot just from the old rotten roots.

急求英文導(dǎo)游詞 吉林著名景點

Not far from Rizegou Guesthouse is the Swan Lake. It is said that swans used to reside here. At the present time, the lake remains semi-marsh land eith waterweeds fully covered on the surface. In spring the lake resembles a carpet of green grass; in summer the lake is splendidly decorated with blossomed flowers; in autumn the yelliwness in the lake meets the eye in every side; in winter the lake remains a world of ice and snow. Near the upper end of the lake is an another lake called Fangchaohai. The lake leads to hills where the hill peaks raise one higher than another. However, among the hills there is a pealk that obviously towers. It is named the Sword Rock because it looks sharp on the top and wide at lower part. Passing the foot of the towering peak, you start to walk into a dense primeval forwst, where you find yourselves deep in the boundless expanse of trdds and plants, feeling as light as if you had left the world of men and became immortal beings. There are an abundance of trees that looking up you hardly see the sunshine. Some of the trees curves down like awnings; some loom up like obelisks; some stand erect like men; some recline like dragons. Beneath your feet are soft mosses that grow in a thick furry mass on wet soil. When you walk through the forest, cool greenery rests your eyes, gentle breeze sooths your ears and the utter quietness refreshes your heart.



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This is my home Baicheng.

It is in the north-west of Jilin Province.

Baicheng city temperate continental monsoon climate.

It has Jiangjialiang's Prairie style tourist areas, Yu Yang Wei Hai Dian District Tourism, Folk tsagaan hot village and eco-tourism park.

Do you like my home ?

Thank you


I love my home in Jilin City, Jilin City is a surrounded by mountains, the famous Chuanliubuxi the Songhua River in the town of the beautiful city. Here the mountains of water beauty more beautiful.

The mountains of Jilin City: It is located in the urban areas in the two famous (Beishan) (Longtan Mountain), located in the suburbs (Mopanshan) (Suzaku Hill). First, "(Beishan) there is the religious holy places, the mountains there are many temples, the annual temple fair and Jidian, when many of the visitors to this Tour." Saying that "(the Longtan Hill) mountains ancient architecture lush trees air Fresh, so people become a good place for morning exercises. "Saying that" (Mopanshan) is a famous mountain temple "Lingyansi", where incense heyday. "Saying that" (Suzaku Hill) is a forest park, the mountains A horseback archery skiing, and other entertainment projects, many of the day to attract visitors. "

Jilin City in the waters: the famous Songhua Hu of Jilin City in the suburbs, where there are rich water resources, there are delicious Songhua Hu wild fish, is a tourist resort in the Holy Land. Is also available in the Songhua River from the city Chuanliubuxi.

Jilin City of the United States: Jilin City has many, many lovely people, the special police in Jilin City is a model for studying the police, special police in Jilin City for the safety of their bloody sweat, you can say that they are also the most lovable person. Jilin City cab drivers, they are the example. Jilin City in a lot of unexpected events, they always沖在最前面also played an important role, for example: the scene rescue Jianyiyongwei Shijinbumei, etc. in their possession of the obvious.

Jilin City, my home and I love my praise in Jilin City of Jilin City.


我愛我的家鄉(xiāng)吉林市,吉林市是一個四面環(huán)山,著名的松花江城中川流不息的的美麗城市。這里山美 水美 人更美。

吉林市的山美:有坐落在市區(qū)里的兩座名山(北山)(龍?zhí)渡?/a>),還有坐落在城郊的(磨盤山)(朱雀山)等。先說“(北山)那里是宗教的圣地,山上有許多的寺廟,每年的廟會和紀(jì)典時都會很多的游客來此游覽?!痹谡f“(龍?zhí)?/a>山)山上有古老的建筑茂密的樹木空氣新鮮,所以成為了人們晨練的好地方?!痹谡f“(磨盤山)山上有一座遠近聞名的寺廟《靈巖寺》,那里香火鼎盛?!痹谡f“(朱雀山)是一座森林公園,山上有騎馬 射箭 滑雪等娛樂項目,每天吸引來很多的游人?!?


吉林市的人美:吉林市有很多很多可愛的人們,吉林市的特警是全國警界學(xué)習(xí)的榜樣,特警他們?yōu)榧质械?a href='/pingan/' target=_blank>平安流血 流汗,可以說他們也是最可愛的人。吉林市的出租車司機,他們也是全國的榜樣。在吉林市很多的突 發(fā)事件上,他們也總是沖在最前面起了很重要作用,例如:現(xiàn)場救援 見義勇為 拾金不昧 等等在他們身上體現(xiàn)的非常明顯。



您好:Changchun: Shuangyang Lake scenic area, scenic area consists of three Shuangyang lake, Luming villa, resort attractions. Lake scenic area, scenic forest of 80 square kilometers, the forest coverage rate reached 58.6%. Known as "Asia's largest artificial Lin Hai". Jilin: Songhua Lake, lake is located about 24 km southeast of Jilin city in the upper reaches of the Songhua River. Siping: Legend has it that the former half mountain Erlang in the Jade Emperor will lower bound for the people, Bear Mountain farmland to development force split into One divides into two., gate, gate section of dark red. In the Qing Dynasty, the gate is also known as the bull side gallery, is one of the four side of Kangxi of the Qing dynasty built the new wicker edge, under the general jurisdiction of Jilin. Through the door, straight up the mountain, in the mountain of Shanghai is about 293 meters out half built in Erlang Hill scenic area, the collection of folk tales and the natural landscape in one, the scenery more beautiful. Yitong volcano group is located in the Yitong Manchu Autonomous County in Changchun, the distance is only 65 kilometers, is a 16 volcano volcano community changes into a nature reserve, belonging to the national level, with its precious and rare volcano geological resources attracting scientists and tourists. The ancient city of Yehiel Bernard La, located in the southeast of Lishu County in Siping City is a famous folk custom scenic spots, with rich Jurchen characteristics of the ancient castle building famous mountain scenic area is located in Siping City South East, face is divided into two half of the gate, because the shape is named by local people known as the "half gate", into the inside, it will be of the essence. Songyuan: Chagan Lake Nature Reserve is a provincial nature reserve of Jilin province people's Government approved the establishment of the 1986. The protection area of 480 square kilometers, most within the zone at the junction of the wetland hunting in Da'an City Da Gang Zi Xiang, Tongyu County, Taonan City, eight townships two village. The total area more than 5 hectares. In the southern part of the hunting grounds, the growth of reeds, rushes, Scirpus mariqueter, lily, etc.. Here is rich in a variety of aquatic animal, fish, shrimp, clams and soft animal, provided a good habitat for waterfowl. In the hunting field, there are more than 4000 hectares of artificial forest and prairie stretch as far as eye can see, live and multiply accounted for 36 species of mammals in Jilin Province, 44.4% of the total number of mammal animal. Han site is located in Daan city moon Pao Xiang Han village, 1 kilometers northeast of the moon a global South uplift of the Loess Kong, after research, Han site is the Bronze Age relics of human life.







Rime, commonly known as tree hanging, is a milky white ice crystal deposit that directly condenses water vapor in the air at low temperatures, or that is frozen directly by freezing droplets on objects. It is a very rare natural wonder.


Changbai Mountain: One of the top ten famous mountains in China, a national 5A scenic spot, and the first mountain in Kanto.

The Changbai Mountain Nature Reserve intheEast,"XiongshanTuoTianchi,Linhaicangzhenqi" is a magical place that attracts the attention of the world.


Songhua Lake is located in the southeast of Jilin City, 24 kilometers from the city center. Songhua Lake attracts a large number of domestic and foreign tourists with its unique geographical location, four distinct weather conditions.


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