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導讀:江西紅色旅游景點翻譯「關(guān)于江西紅色文化的詩」 紅色旅游英文翻譯(求助高手,幫我翻譯下文) 紅色旅游英文怎么翻譯? 急!南昌的名勝古跡用英文翻譯 江西有許多很好玩的旅游景點的英文



Jingxian County has a long history, which is known as "the old county of Hanjia and the famous area of Jiangzuo" since ancient times.

Jingxian County is the place where the Southern Anhui Incident took place. The former site of the New Fourth Army is one of the 100 red tourist attractions in China.

The Southern Anhui Incident Martyrs Cemetery is a national key martyr building protection unit and a national patriotic education demonstration base.

Among the 12 key red tourist areas in China, the red tourist area of Shandong。

Jiangsu and Anhui with the theme of "Prelude to the East and Decisive Battle of Huaihai" is the core By analyzing the advantages and disadvantages of red tourism resources in Jingxian County。

this paper puts forward some countermeasures for the development of red tourism in Jingxian County, hoping to contribute to the sustainable development of red tourism in Jingxian County.


red tourism;紅色旅游主要是以中國共產(chǎn)黨領(lǐng)導人民在革命和戰(zhàn)爭時期建樹豐功偉績所形成的紀念地、標志物為載體,以其所承載的革命歷史、革命事跡和革命精神為內(nèi)涵,組織接待旅游者開展緬懷學習、參觀游覽的主題性旅游活動。為了更好地發(fā)揮愛國主義教育基地的作用,在“十二五”規(guī)劃期間,中央決定將紅色旅游內(nèi)容進行拓展,將1840年以來170多年之間的中國近現(xiàn)代歷史時期,在中國大地上發(fā)生的中國人民反對外來侵略、奮勇抗爭、自強不息、艱苦奮斗,充分顯示偉大民族精神的重大事件、重大活動和重要人物事跡的歷史文化遺存,有選擇地納入紅色旅游范圍,這就更有利于傳承中華民族先進文化和優(yōu)良傳統(tǒng)。紅色旅游把紅色人文景觀和綠色自然景觀結(jié)合起來


藤王閣Tengwang pavilion 繩金塔Rope Macintosh 八大山書畫陳列館Eight ShanRen painting and calligraphy exhibition 洪崖丹井(梅嶺)HongYa DanJing 安義古村群AnYi ancient village 南昌八一起義紀念館Nanchang uprising of bayi memorial 佑民寺U-right temple" 西山萬壽宮Xishan WanShou palace



There are many interesting tourist attractions in Jiangxi.


There are many interesting tourist attractions in Jiangxi.


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