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導(dǎo)讀:英文介紹旅游景點福建泉州(泉州旅游景點英語) 英文介紹,泉州的風(fēng)景和特色小吃 80字左右的英語作文介紹泉州旅游景點 關(guān)于泉州旅游英語作文,初二以下水平,帶翻譯,50詞左右,謝謝 跪求一篇80個單詞的英語作文,作文題目是、我的家鄉(xiāng)泉州. 有景點:清遠(yuǎn)山,老君巖, 介紹泉州旅游景點的英語作文八十字左右?guī)Хg謝謝


泉州是國務(wù)院第一批公布的24個歷史文化名城之一,素有“海濱鄒魯”的美譽(yù)。這里歷史文化積淀豐厚,名勝古跡星羅棋布,文物瑰寶舉世矚目。擁有國家級文物保護(hù)單位12處,省級27處。泉州是古代“東方第一大港”?!昂I?a href='/techan/15882' target=_blank>絲綢之路”的起點,特產(chǎn)有德化瓷器、惠安石雕、木偶頭、老范志萬應(yīng)神曲、料絲花燈、清源茶餅安溪烏龍茶、永春老醋永春紙織畫。

Quanzhou is the State Council released the first batch of 24 historical and cultural city, one known as "Lu Zou Waterfront"'s reputation. Here rich historical and cultural heritage, historical sites spread all over, heritage treasures have attracted worldwide attention. With nation-state units to be protected 12, 27 provincial-level. Quanzhou, an ancient "Oriental first port." "Marine Silk Road" starting point, specialty Youde of porcelain, stone Huian, puppet head, the old Divine Comedy Fan million should be expected silk lanterns, Qingyuan tea, Anxi oolong tea, Yongchun Vinegar, Yongchun paper texture painting.


My hometown in Quanzhou, where the pleasant climate, is a tourist destination.Quanzhou is known as the cultural capital of East Asia, maritime Silk Road starting point, Seashore, the City of Light. "Look Xi'an underground, to the point of view of Quanzhou," walking in the middle of the city, the eternal legacy will still inadvertently flashed repeatedly, both restrained and unrestrained deep stretch again.


Quanzhou is known as the cultural capital of East Asia, maritime Silk Road starting point, Seashore, the City of Light. "Look Xi'an underground, to the point of view of Quanzhou," walking in the middle of the city, the eternal legacy will still inadvertently flashed repeatedly, both restrained and unrestrained deep stretch again.

泉州號稱東亞文化之都、海上絲綢之路起點、海濱鄒魯、光明之城?!暗叵驴?a href='/xian/' target=_blank>西安,地上看泉州”,行走在城市中間,千古遺風(fēng)依然會在不經(jīng)意間多次閃現(xiàn),既古樸清雅又精致婉約,既內(nèi)斂深沉又舒展奔放。

跪求一篇80個單詞的英語作文,作文題目是、我的家鄉(xiāng)泉州. 有景點:清遠(yuǎn)山,老君巖,

My hometown is Quanzhou,which is one of the biggest cities in Fujian Province.Quanzhou is mountainous and has many rivers.It has four seasons,spring,summer,autumn and winter.It's temperature ranges from 0 to 38 degree most area all year around.In summer,there are typhoon,bringing rains and some damage to this city.It is suitable for people to live in,never too hot nor too cold.Quanzhou is famous for its tourist spots such as QingYuan Mountain and Laojun Rock.


My hometown in Quanzhou, where the pleasant climate, is a tourist destination.Quanzhou is known as the cultural capital of East Asia, maritime Silk Road starting point, Seashore, the City of Light. "Look Xi'an underground, to the point of view of Quanzhou," walking in the middle of the city, the eternal legacy will still inadvertently flashed repeatedly, both restrained and unrestrained deep stretch again.


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