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法國(guó)景點(diǎn)介紹英文版 法國(guó)景點(diǎn)介紹英文版翻譯

導(dǎo)讀:法國(guó)景點(diǎn)介紹英文版 法國(guó)景點(diǎn)介紹英文版翻譯 1. 法國(guó)景點(diǎn)介紹英文版翻譯 2. 法國(guó)旅游景點(diǎn)英文介紹 3. 法國(guó)景點(diǎn) 英文 4. 法國(guó)景點(diǎn)英文介紹帶翻譯 5. 法國(guó)旅游介紹英文 6. 法國(guó)景點(diǎn)介紹英文版翻譯簡(jiǎn)短 7. 法國(guó)的風(fēng)景名勝英文 8. 法國(guó)景點(diǎn)介紹7大景點(diǎn)英文

1. 法國(guó)景點(diǎn)介紹英文版翻譯

普羅旺斯附近地區(qū)景點(diǎn)有:卡馬爾格(Camargue)平原,沃克呂茲(Vaucluse)葡萄園,普羅旺斯高地(Haute-Provence),阿維尼翁(Avignon)以及它的教皇宮、阿爾勒(Arles)和奧朗目(Orange),羅旺斯的艾克斯(Aix-er-Provence),圣特羅佩(Saint-Tropez). 此外,普羅旺斯著名薰衣草觀賞地分別為魯伯隆山區(qū)、施米亞那山區(qū)。1.魯伯隆山區(qū)(Luberon)塞南克修道院的花田是該區(qū)最著名的熏衣草觀賞地,號(hào)稱全法國(guó)最美麗的山谷之一。山上有一座12世紀(jì)的修道院,塞南克修道院前方有一大片的薰衣草花田,是由院里的修道士栽種的,有不同顏色的薰衣草。2.施米雅那山區(qū)(Simiane-la-Rotonde)施米雅那是一個(gè)極具特色的山城,山頂矗立著一座建于12至13世紀(jì)的城堡羅通德,環(huán)繞著一大片的熏衣草花田。

2. 法國(guó)旅游景點(diǎn)英文介紹

Fun Facts about the Eiffel Tower 關(guān)于埃菲爾鐵塔的趣聞 La Tour Eiffel à Paris – The Eiffel Tower in Paris is a magical name that describes a sight that everyone hopes they will see one day. What would Paris be like without the Eiffel Tower? Well, Paris had already proved its charm to the world before the tower was even built with many amazing monuments: the Louvre, the Arc de Triomphe and Notre-Dame. Now the Eiffel Tower surpasses them all in height and can be seen from each of these three buildings from a different, interesting, angle. The iron tower still remains one of the most visited monuments in the whole world and it certainly deserves to be talked about on our French Moments’ pages! 拉圖爾艾菲爾à巴黎–埃菲爾鐵塔在巴黎是一個(gè)神奇的名字,描述的是每個(gè)人都希望自己有一天會(huì)看到的景象。

沒有埃菲 爾鐵塔,巴黎會(huì)是什么樣的呢?好了,巴黎已經(jīng)向世界證明了它有許多驚人的古跡的魅力:盧浮宮,凱旋門和巴黎圣母院?,F(xiàn)在的埃菲爾鐵塔超過他們所有的 高度,可以看到從不同的,有趣的角度觀賞這三個(gè)建筑物。鐵塔仍然是世界上最多人參觀過的古跡之一,它確實(shí)法國(guó)值得我們?nèi)ビ懻摰胤剑?/p>

3. 法國(guó)景點(diǎn) 英文

從單詞的組成和意思兩方面來區(qū)分。France是法國(guó) 名詞 地名french 是法國(guó)人 法語 名詞

France: n.[地名]法國(guó),法蘭西;[姓氏]法郎士;[人名] 弗朗斯 ,F(xiàn)rench: adj.法國(guó)的,法國(guó)人的;法語的n.法語;法國(guó)人

4. 法國(guó)景點(diǎn)英文介紹帶翻譯







5. 法國(guó)旅游介紹英文

Last summer I went to Paris with my parents. I was very excited and happy.

Since we don't speak French, we joined a tour to Paris. It last a week.

We visited the Eiffel Tower, Notre Dame, Palace Louvre and Palace Versailles. I like palace Louvre most because I saw Da Vinci's the Last Supper there. I also liked the Eiffel Tower because we could see most part of Paris at the top.

We also sightsee many churches. Honestly, seeing church after church bored me to no end.


The trip was mostly enjoyable. I promise myself to go back to Paris again. Next time, I am going to stay longer and will not join a tour. Paris is such a big city that I want to take a closer look.

That trip was a memorable one!

6. 法國(guó)景點(diǎn)介紹英文版翻譯簡(jiǎn)短



7. 法國(guó)的風(fēng)景名勝英文

Paris英 ['p?r?s] 美 [?p?r?s]



We'd toured the sights of Paris


8. 法國(guó)景點(diǎn)介紹7大景點(diǎn)英文

中國(guó)---長(zhǎng)城(Great Wall)

英國(guó)---大本鐘(Big Ben)

澳大利亞---悉尼歌劇院(the Sydney Opera House)

美國(guó)---自由女神像(the Statue of liberty)

法國(guó)---凱旋門(the Triumph Arch)

埃及---金字塔(the pyramid)

馬來西亞---雙塔(Mark )

俄羅斯---莫斯科圣巴西利亞大教堂(Moscow Brasilia Cathedral St.)

比利時(shí)---撒尿男童(Search boys )




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