男女交性高清视频全过程,国亚洲日韩国产欧美另类 ,乱女伦一级a片 ,特级婬片a片aaa毛片


導(dǎo)讀:長(zhǎng)沙的旅游景點(diǎn)介紹英文(長(zhǎng)沙旅游攻略英文) 用英文介紹岳麓山(帶中文) ?。〖保。。〗榻B長(zhǎng)沙的旅游勝地,天氣,小吃,等等的英語(yǔ)作文 找一篇關(guān)于介紹長(zhǎng)沙景點(diǎn)的文章(英語(yǔ))


Yuelu Mountain

It lies in the west bank of Xiang River in Changsha City. The landscape is mainly composed of Lushan Mountain and the nearby rivers, ponds, plants and animals gardens and personnel landscape. Here the climate is warm and comfortable. The main peak in 300 meters high. It lies in the west bank of Xiang River in Changsha City. The landscape is mainly composed of Lushan Mountain and

the nearby rivers, ponds, plants and animals gardens and personnel landscape. Here the climate is warm and comfortable. The main peak in 300 meters high.

Yuelu Mountain is composed of natural scenery and personnel landscape. The natural scenery is strange, quiet, treasure and beautiful. In the landscape there are several thousand kinds of plants, among which there are a lot of famous and rare plants such as privet, ginkgo, camphor, spinulose tree, quassia, sweet gum, Chinese honey locustbladder catchfly. Besides, there are a lot of famous and rare birds and animals such as babbler, loriot, cuckoo, owl, woodpecker, parrot and fox, goat, pheasant. Yuelu Mountain is one of Eight Attractions in Xiaoxiang.

Yuelu Mountain has brilliant personnel landscape. For example, the poem written by Du Mu, "Stop the car and watch the maple leaves until late, the leaves covered by frost are more red than the flowers in February."

There are a lot of scenic spots in Yuelu Mountain such as Qingfeng gorge, Aiwan Pavilion, Lushan Temple, Yunlu Palace, White Crane Spring and Flying Stone.

Qingfeng Gorge lies in the low place Between Yuelu Academy and Lushan Temple, where the scenery is quite beautiful. In it there are Aiwan Pavilion. Aiwan Pavilion lies in Qingfeng Gorge and was built in A.D.1792. Its original name is Red Leaf Pavilion and later according to the poem written by Du Mu, it was changed the name. Mao Zhedong once played and studied here in the course of study period and the remaining tablet was written by Mao Zedong in the 50s. It was supported by four red poles. There is a tablet with the poem, "Qinyuanchun-Changsha" written by Mao Zedong.

The history of activities for Taoism in Yuelu Mountain is quite long. And Yuelu Palace was built in A.D.1478, the region has been as the activity center of Taoism since then.

Yuelu Mountain has a lot of attractions and very pretty thus it is the good place for tourists.


岳麓書(shū)院在山之東麓,始建于宋開(kāi)寶九年(976年),朱熹、張 主講期間是全盛時(shí)期,有學(xué)生千人,成為宋代四大書(shū)院之一。清光緒二十九年(1903年)改為高等學(xué)府,后又變成高等師范學(xué)校。1925年改為湖南大學(xué)。書(shū)院現(xiàn)存古建筑尚有御書(shū)樓、文昌樓、半學(xué)齋、? ??彝器堂、濂溪祠、湘水校經(jīng)堂、自卑亭等,讓人緬懷書(shū)院輝煌歷史。





岳麓山風(fēng)景名勝區(qū)系國(guó)家級(jí)重點(diǎn)風(fēng)景名勝區(qū)。位于古城長(zhǎng)沙湘江兩岸,由丘陵低山、江、河、湖泊、自然動(dòng)植物以及文化古跡、近代名人墓葬、革命紀(jì)念遺址等組成,為城市山岳型風(fēng)景名勝區(qū)。 已開(kāi)放的景區(qū)有麓山景區(qū)、橘子洲頭景區(qū)。其中麓山景區(qū)系核心景區(qū),景區(qū)內(nèi)有岳麓書(shū)院、愛(ài)晚亭、麓山寺、云麓宮、新民主學(xué)會(huì)景點(diǎn)等。規(guī)劃開(kāi)放的景區(qū)有:天馬山、桃花嶺、石佳嶺及土城頭景點(diǎn)等,總面積達(dá)36平方公里。岳麓山風(fēng)景名勝區(qū)南接衡岳,北望洞庭,西臨茫茫原野,東瞰滔滔湘流,玉屏、天馬、鳳凰、橘洲橫秀于前,桃花、綠蛾竟翠與后,金盆、金牛、云母、圭峰拱持左右,靜如龍蛇逶迤,動(dòng)如駿馬奮蹄,凌空俯視如一微縮盆景,側(cè)視遠(yuǎn)觀如一天然屏壁??芍^天工造物,人間奇景,長(zhǎng)沙之大觀。


清風(fēng)峽景區(qū):岳麓書(shū)院至麓山寺的谷地,名叫清風(fēng)峽?!对缆磿?shū)院志》記載:“當(dāng)溽暑時(shí),清風(fēng)徐至,人多休息,故名以次得?!睔v朝歷代的人們都將這里看成是避暑的天然? ??地。清風(fēng)峽自然景色秀美,峽內(nèi)林木茂密,古樹(shù)參天,溪澗盤繞,流泉星羅棋步。風(fēng)物景色隨著氣候和季節(jié)的轉(zhuǎn)換,呈現(xiàn)出千變?nèi)f化的姿態(tài)。峽內(nèi)還有眾多的文物古跡為世人所矚目,內(nèi)有歷史悠久的佛寺名塔—舍利塔,有我國(guó)四大名亭之一的愛(ài)晚亭,有著名的二南詩(shī)刻,以及劉道一等近代名人的墓葬。



岳麓山云麓峰左側(cè)峰巒上著名的“禹王碑”是岳麓山古老文化的象征,是宋代摹刻至此的。這塊碑石刻有奇特的古篆字,字分9行,共77字。相傳4000多年前的洪荒時(shí)代,天下被淹沒(méi)洪水之中,大禹為民治水,到處奔波,疏導(dǎo)洪流,竟“七年聞樂(lè)不聽(tīng),三過(guò)家門不入”,最終制服了洪水,受到百姓的尊重。傳說(shuō)大禹曾到過(guò)南岳,并在岣嶁峰立下了這塊石碑。東漢趙嘩《吳越春秋》就記載了這一傳說(shuō):“禹登衡山,夢(mèng)蒼水使者,投金簡(jiǎn)玉玉字之書(shū),得治水之要,刻石山之高處?!碧拼?a href='/hanyu/' target=_blank>韓愈為此登臨岣嶁峰尋訪禹碑,雖未親見(jiàn),卻留下了“蝌蚪拳身薤葉撥,鸞飄風(fēng)伯怒蛟螭”的詩(shī)句。1212年(宋嘉定五年),何致游南岳,在岣嶁峰摹得碑文,過(guò)長(zhǎng)沙時(shí)請(qǐng)人翻刻于岳麓山顛。宋以后,碑被土所掩。明代長(zhǎng)沙太守潘鎰?wù)业酱吮瑐魍馗鞯?,自此禹碑名聞?dòng)谑馈C鳁钌髟硗醣屛模?



“平成績(jī)奏幾千年,石壁遺文尚宛然。豈是后人偏好事,應(yīng)知古圣示心傳。龍蛟影動(dòng)云煙亂,珠露光凝日月懸。愧我讀書(shū)無(wú)萬(wàn)卷,空 來(lái)擬議未能詮。”





宋代岳麓山還產(chǎn)生了一則湖湘學(xué)派的創(chuàng)始人之一胡寅怒斥奸臣的故事。南宋初年,? ??兵不斷南侵,宋高宗趙構(gòu)偏安江左,執(zhí)掌朝柄的秦檜等人畏敵如虎,一味妥協(xié)投降,胡寅目睹國(guó)家的內(nèi)憂外患,心急如焚,對(duì)南寧朝廷極為不滿,對(duì)秦檜之流深懷憎恨,他憤而辭去京官,請(qǐng)示歸回湖南和父親胡安國(guó)、弟弟胡宏等一同居住生活。一次,胡寅正在長(zhǎng)沙岳麓山游覽麓山寺,突然聽(tīng)到秦檜黨羽劉旦來(lái)湖南做官的消息,他非常氣憤,便揮筆在墻壁上大書(shū)“是何南海鱷魚(yú),來(lái)作長(zhǎng)沙之鳥(niǎo)?!蹦虾w{魚(yú)的比喻,來(lái)唐代韓愈的《祭鱷魚(yú)文》。傳說(shuō)韓俞初任南海邊潮州刺史,知道惡溪中有鱷魚(yú)把百姓的牲口幾乎吃光了,便寫(xiě)了《祭鱷魚(yú)文》投入惡溪命鱷魚(yú)限日離開(kāi)潮州遷往南海,否則將弓矢捕殺殆盡,結(jié)果鱷魚(yú)懼怕潛走,以后潮州永無(wú)鱷魚(yú)。劉旦恰好是潮州人,胡寅是將他比喻成了那兇殘?zhí)搨蔚某敝蓣{魚(yú),又到長(zhǎng)沙來(lái)為害百姓了。劉旦見(jiàn)了這題句,知道是在譏諷自己,便向秦檜告狀。胡寅因而落職,20年不再做官。這表現(xiàn)出胡寅和其他湖湘學(xué)派創(chuàng)始人一樣,節(jié)操凜然,一身骨氣,為岳麓秀山增色不少。


Traffic management conditions is the regional tourism industry formation and development basis, and the accessibility, the degree and road quality fit and unfit quality, to attract tourists, line organization, the construction of tourism environment and so on, have extremely profound. If there is no perfect traffic management network system support, and even if the abundant tourism resources can only stay in a state of development, can't make full use of its tourism value, the development of regional tourism industry will be severely restricted.

Mount wudang good location conditions, resources are unique, Taoism culture details profound, as the world cultural heritage, Taoism culture, the wudang mountain development potential is great. However tourist traffic management means lag but restricted tourism industry of the development of a huge bottleneck. In order to improve the tourism resources of accessibility, improve its real as a world cultural heritage in the class, to wudang mountain tourist traffic management recognition of is very necessary. 1 tourism resources evaluation

Mount wudang has incomparable beauty, is beautiful and harmonious unity of humanity beauty height, known as the "everlasting unique scenic spot, the first one seazan".

(1) the natural landscape strange beautiful mount wudang. Here, there are 72 He fold the incredible peak, 36 rocks, 24 jian, the 11 holes, 10 stone, such as channel 9 wonderful scenery. The tianzhufeng known as "YiZhuQingTian expensive"; The main peak around all the various and a strange, but strove for supremacy toward the form made in heaven, "WanShanLai toward the" wonders. Mount wudang variety of scenery, no matter when the four seasons can enjoy visit the mysterious empty spirit of natural beauty.

(2) wudang Taoism majestic buildings. Here is the birthplace of Taoist zhenwu tati, built of ancient Taoism on a grand scale, the momentum of the majestic, known as the "the wonders." only According to statistics, tang dynasty to qing dynasty monastic build temples in more than 500, over 20000 rooms. In the Ming dynasty, emperor of mount wudang dojo the heyday as a royal family shrine, with nine palace 9 view on 33 place complex. Existing ancient building is in good in 129, still do not break when the grand manner.

(3) wudang Taoism culture has a long history. In addition to the mount wudang Taoism building, the Taoist martial arts, Taoism, Taoism FaShi, Taoism medicinal food, Taoism and precious cultural relics and so on also become famous at home and abroad, especially in the wudang boxing is enjoy extensive international reputation. In addition, the wudang relevant zhenwu and legend story, customs and so on also rich and colorful, which had its.

2 tourism traffic management present situation analysis

2.1 tourism traffic management situation

(1) highway traffic. For the development of tourism, the wudang mountain road transportation need in recent years have been relatively substantially improved. , 316 national highway (han ten road), 209 national highway wear condition, han ten highway shiyan to xiangfan section has been opened, initially forming a "ten" glyph communication network. Wuhan to shiyan, shiyan to yinchuan of highway under construction and perfect, will further improve the wudang mountain, mount wudang tourist traffic to promote the development of tourism. The wudang mountain scenic area traffic: send to the whole country or way of wudang mount bus to Beijing, shijiazhuang north, zhengzhou; West to hanzhong, ankang, xian; East to nanjing and wuxi, south of changsha, shenzhen, etc. The province is more traffic extend in all directions.




Yuelu Mountain located in the Xiang River in Changsha City in the West Bank, in order to focus on state-level scenic spots, AAAA-level tourist area, 300.8 m altitude, with a total area of 38 square kilometers, is the rare type of urban scenic mountain area. Renjiedeling Yuelu Mountain, scenic spots can be found everywhere, it is a time-history relics are to be found. Taoism "virtual real blessed" - ranked top Yunlu Palace: "The initial spot in the Han, Wei, Hunan in the first gym" - Lu Shansi hidden in dense forest in Mid-levels, institutions of the Millennium foothills of Yuelu Academy is located. Li Yong and the author of the book Lushan Si Monument, the World "Sanjue" Yu, Yu God is more colorful. When Jin Tao Kan, Pei Xiu Tang Dynasty, Liu Changqing, the Song Zhu Xi and Zhang Shi, and other gifted scholar in the generation homes open Jie Lu; modern Huang Xing, Cai E, Jiang Yiwu, and other well-known heroes long eye mount; Hunan during the anti-Japanese children as a Screen, Japanese-enemy, wrote the epic poem: Mao Zedong, Cai Hesen, Li Lisan, Heshu Heng, Li Fuchun, Ho, and other proletarian revolutionaries to the police in the search for the truth, pointing out the land. In addition, with the stupa, Tower 5, the drum sound Ling, 10 minutes unsolicited, flying dozens of sites, such as stone-wide distribution throughout the Hill, Shen food. Yuelu Mountain precipitation of a rich cultural, Hunan is the essence of culture and the source. Yuelu Mountain towering old trees, beautiful mountains. Storied season into late autumn to do, Sihuo Maple Leaf. Du Mu's "stop Fenglin love to sit late in February Shuangye red flower" is the description of the scenery here. Lu Shansi old and being in love as a late-ting Hill landmark attractions, history goes back to ancient times.


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